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Spider Veins

Spider Veins

She's Got Legs!

(And she still gets to use them!)

Spider veins may bother you for their unsightly appearance, but they bother us because of what they signify is happening in your body. When we treat the aesthetic appearance of your veins, we do so with an intent not just to get you back into your shorts and skirts carefree but also to prevent recurrence and progression related to underlying vascular disease.

This isn't just a cosmetic concern.

Spider veins are often the first indication of an underlying circulatory disorder, which can silently threaten your life. Left untreated, spider veins can progress to worsening perfusion disorders, which may or may not involve the development of varicose veins, blood clots, or ulcerations. We aim to treat the problem, not the symptoms. Individually tailored options are available to suit your specific needs and goals. We combine a variety of treatment modalities to get you the best possible cosmetic outcome, but we ensure that your investment is protected and your long-term outcome optimized by identifying the source of the problem and correcting that along with eradication of your veins. Our providers never undertake a cosmetic treatment without first ensuring they have conducted a comprehensive assessment of your personal needs and your overall health. Treating your veins is the easy part, but we are never willing to take the easy way out. We are dedicated to partnering with you in your journey towards the healthiest, happiest you from the inside out.




Chinn GYN, LLC
111 S 12th St, Suite A
Mount Vernon, WA 98274
Phone: 360-824-5278
Fax: 949-695-3349

Office Hours

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