Gynecology Specialist
Gynecology & Advanced Aesthetics located in Mount Vernon, WA
Gynecology & Advanced Aesthetics located in Mount Vernon, WA
Routine gynecological care is essential to your overall health as a woman or person with female reproductive organs. At Chinn GYN, LLC, Melissa Chinn, DO, FACOG, and Morghan Milagrosa, ARNP, WHNP-BC, CNM, IBCLC, NCMP, MSN, provide comprehensive gynecological care to people throughout Mount Vernon, Washington, and the surrounding communities. To learn more about gynecology, call Chinn GYN, LLC or schedule an appointment online today.
Gynecology Q&A
What is gynecology?
A gynecologist is a physician who specializes in women’s health care. Women go through many physical and chemica changes in life. From your first menstrual cycle to menopause and every stage in between, the team at Chinn GYN provides comprehensive gynecological care throughout any and all of your individual needs.
What does gynecology include?
Chinn GYN provides a complete range of gynecology services to women of all ages. Some of the most common gynecology services include:
Well-woman exam
A well-woman exam is a complete sexual health and wellness assessment. The annual visit includes a head-to-toe physical exam, a breast exam, and a pelvic exam. During the pelvic exam, the team evaluates your vagina, ovaries, cervix, uterus, pelvis, and rectum for abnormal changes. They also perform a Pap smear to test for signs of cervical cancer.
Reproductive care
The team offers a full range of reproductive health services for women of all ages. Whether you’re considering hormonal birth control, sterilization, or fertility treatment, Chinn GYN has the reproductive care you need. Along with diagnosing infertility, the team offers ovulation induction and intrauterine and intracervical insemination.
Diagnostic exams and procedures
If you have a concern about your breast, vulvar, vaginal, cervical, pelvic, uterine, ovarian, menstrual, sexual, or urinary health, the team performs a wide range of diagnostic services. Along with ultrasound testing, Chinn GYN offers biopsies, hysteroscopy, and colposcopy procedures.
Sexual health
Sexual health is an important part of your overall well-being. To protect your reproductive health and maintain a positive relationship with sex, Chinn GYN provides comprehensive care that includes sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, contraceptive couseling, and sexual wellness treatments.
Menopause care
Menopause brings about many hormonal changes due to the sudden drop in estrogen. If you’re experiencing night sweats, hot flashes, unintended weight gain, or any other menopause symptoms, the team provides a number of personally tailored solutions, including hormone replacement therapy to balance your estrogen levels.
In-office procedures
Chinn GYN uses the most advanced equipment and laser devices to perform cervical procedures, endometrial ablation, labiaplasty, perineoplasty, vaginoplasty, hysteroscopy, saline-infused sonohysterogram, and other gynecologic procedures.
How often should I see a gynecologist?
You should visit Chinn GYN at least once a year for a complete well-woman exam. These annual exams help identify changes in your reproductive and sexual health before they become major health concerns. Early intervention can help detect early signs of cervical, ovarian, and breast cancer, as well as many other common women’s health concerns.
To learn more about our gynecology services, call Chinn GYN, LLC, or schedule an appointment online today.